Dig Safe is at it once again, even though Dig Safe Month just ended this week! On Wednesday, May 1st the ORCGA teamed up with Home Depot to support and participate in Home Depot’s Contractor Appreciation Day. The ORCGA set up tables at 13 different Home Depot locations across the province – from Niagara Falls all the way up to Thunder Bay. The yellow t-shirts were back on and ORCGA members/volunteers were promoting the message once again. The idea was to reach contractors (and DIYers) alike, who were walking the aisles of Home Depot.
Since, spring has finally come; Home Depots were busy across the province yesterday. Super Sucker representatives volunteered at locations in London and Niagara to help spread the word and to show our commitment to Dig Safe. In the hydrovac industry it is imperative to call for locates even though hydro excavation is considered an extremely safe digging method.
As spring turns into summer, make sure to dig safely and call for locates before you begin digging. It’s simple and free, it can also save you from some pretty harsh consequences (visit on1call.com or call 1-800-400-2255 for free locates).
So get those outdoor projects started – happy digging!