We are looking forward to a few upcoming events in the fall. Super Sucker is always pleased to support and participate in industry events that educate others about safe digging methods and new digging technology. We can always learn from other industry players and we also enjoy sharing our new innovations as well.
One of the events is the first ever ORCGA Dig Safe Fall Expo, being held on September 12, 2013 at the Landscape Ontario Horticulture Trades Association building in Milton. This expo is designed to put the ORCGA’s Best Practice Guide to life. There will be several different presentations and demonstrations, including one from us! So make sure to check us out at the first ever Dig Safe Fall Expo!
We will also be presenting at a workshop put on by the Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT). This workshop focuses on Advances in Utility Mapping. Similar to the expo, there will be several presentations throughout the day, and we are looking forward to showcasing our hydrovac excavation and coring technologies!
For more information about:
- the ORCGA expo visit: www.orcga.com
- the CATT workshop visit: www.catt.ca